Harnesstom Videos
"Harnessing the value of tomato genetic resources for now and the future"
HARNESSTOM Coordinator
Interview with Antonio Granell, HARNESSTOM coordinator, intoduces us to the consortium that conforms the project, its main goals, results to be achieved and expected impacts in industry innovation and also in the society.
WP3 One-stop-shop for tomato GenRes.
Interview with Mohamed Zouine. INPT. WP Leader explains us the main activities and goals of WP3.
WP4 Tools to increase the speed efficiency and precision of breeding.
Intervew with Prof. Giovanni Giuliano. ENEA. WP Leader explains us the main activities and goals of WP4.
WP5 Improving resistance against (emering) diseases.
Interview with Prof. Yuling Bai. Wageningen Univ. & Research. WP Leader explains us the main activities and goals of WP5.
WP6 Improving tomato tolerance to climate change conditions.
Interview with Dr. Antonio J. Monforte. CSIC. WP Leader explains us the main activities and goals of WP6.
WP7 Improving fruit quality.
Interview with Dra. Mathilde Causse. INRAE. WP Leader explains us the main activities and goals of WP7.
WP8 Participatory Plant Breeding and Citizen Science.
Interview with Prof. Maria J Diez. UPV. WP Leader explains us the main activities and goals of WP8.
WP8 Jose Herrera interview.
Interview to participatory plant breeding.
TRAINING SCHOOL (23th Dec 2022)
Browsing GenRes “finding my ideal tomato”
The Harnesstom project
Finding your ideal tomato in seed banks DEF
Breeding for ideal tomatoes
Granada La Palma: "How to grow the tastiest tomatoes"
Industry tomato
Tomato taste
Find your ideal tomato in HARNESSTOM
TRAINING COURSE (3th July 2023)
"Tomato plant and fruit phenotyping"
The Harnesstom project
Tomato phenotyping: plant traits
Tomato phenotyping: leaf traits
Tomato phenotyping: flowering and inflorescence
Tomato phenotyping: flower
Tomato phenotyping: green fruit
Tomato phenotyping: fruit shape traits I
Tomato phenotyping: fruit shape traits II
Tomato phenotyping: fruit size structure I
Tomato phenotyping: fruit size structure II
MID-TERM VIDEOS (September 2023)
Harnesstom project WP4 to WP9
WP4 - Tools to increase the speed, efficiency and precision of breeding
WP5 - Improving resistance against (emerging) diseases
WP6 - Pre-breeding activities towards improving tomato tolerance to climate change threats
WP7 - Improving fruit quality
WP8 - Participatory Plant Breeding and Citizens Science
WP 9 - Global assessment of advanced materials, marketing strategy, life cycle assessment
How to use the 2000 Solanum pennellii Backcross Inbred Lines (BILs) and databases to link G2P?
Harnesstom tests CTAEX greenhouses
Infographic summary of the harnesstom project
WP1 Project Management and Coordination
Coordinator Prof. Antonio Granell (CSIC)
WP3 One-stop-shop for tomato GenRes information, visualization and pre-breeding
Eng. David Pierre (INPT / INRAe)
Dr. Clara Pons (IBMCP / CSIC)
WP4 Tools to increase the speed, efficiency and precision of breeding
Prof. Giovanni Giuliano (ENEA)
WP5 Improving resistance against (emerging) diseases
Prof. Yuling Bai (Wageningen University & Research)
WP6 Improving tomato tolerance to climate change conditions
Dr. Antonio J. Monforte (IBMCP / CSIC)
WP7 Improving fruit quality
Dra. Mathilde Causse (INRAe)
WP8 Participatory plant breeding and citizen science
Prof. Joan Casals (Fundació Miquel Agustí-UPV)