From Lab to Farm: New EU innovation project HARNESSTOM joins forces between breeding companies, scientists and farmers

EU research initiative that aims to increase resilience and quality of tomato varieties

With a total budget of € 8,07 million, HARNESSTOM sets out over the next four years to develop more resilient tomatoes but also better quality tomatoes.




On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, a Demonstration Day will be held at the CTAEX facilities located in Badajoz, within the framework of the Harnesstom Project.


Click here to see the complete program of the HARNESSTOM DEMONSTRATION DAY 


To register click HERE or use the QR code:

Registration is free, come and join us!!!




HARNESSTOM Tomato Trials and workshop at CTAEX experimental extension hit the news

A series of activities related to the work done in the EU-funded HARNESSTOM project were presented at the workshop that took place on at CTAEX - Centro Tecnológico Nacional Agroalimentario (CTAEX - Agricultural and Food Technological Centre) in Badajoz Spain on the 13th of August. 

HARNESSTOM on twitter


What HARNESSTOM is about?



Video presentation of the harnesstom project

The HARNESSTOM project (Title: harnessing the value of tomato genetic resources for now and the future) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000716.


The HARNESSTOM project (Title: harnessing the value of tomato genetic resources for now and the future) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000716.

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