News & EventsEvents




On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, a Demonstration Day will be held at the CTAEX facilities located in Badajoz, within the framework of the Harnesstom Project.


Click here to see the complete program of the HARNESSTOM DEMONSTRATION DAY 


To register click HERE or use the QR code:


Registration is free, come and join us!!!




Harnesstom partner CSIC hosts a Joint PRO-GRACE/EMPHASIS policy symposium and workshop about plant genetic resources and phenotyping

The European project PRO-GRACE, in collaboration with the EMPHASIS European plant phenotyping infrastructure, will be holding a policy symposium and workshop about plant genetic resources and phenotyping at the  PRO-GRACE partner Brussels CSIC delegation CSIC and organized by Euroseeds on 27 and 28 June 2024, with the possibility of online participation:


Joint PRO-GRACE/EMPHASIS policy symposium and workshop on plant genetic resources and phenotyping




Registration is required for on-line and in-person participation: click here




Harnesstom at the XIV Congreso Nacional y XII Ibérico de Maduración y Postcosecha (Retos del Sistema Agroalimentario)

The XIV National and XII Iberian Congress of Maturation and Postharvest will be held from June 12 to 14, 2024 in Madrid. Following a tradition that started in 1988, researchers will gather to present results on how they are addressing the relevant challenges in the Agri-food system, with a focus on this occasion on strategies for the prevention and reduction of food waste.


Registration is free, come and join us!!!






Harnesstom partners organize the 2nd Valencian Tomato Congress

The 2nd Valencian Tomato Congress, that will take place on 30 May 2024 at the University Polytechnic of Valencia- Spain, is organized by members of the HARNESSTOM partner UPV-COMAV and will offer a unique opportunity to bring together the different actors of the traditional tomato chain to present and discuss the latest advances in research and valorization of the Valencian tomato. Another HARNESSTOM partner CSIC is also taking an active part in the organization committee and will be presenting the latest results of the project in relation to traditional varieties and their improvement.


Registration is free, come and join us!!!








HARNESSTOM meets Climate-Proof Crop Reproduction experts

HARNESSTOM coordinator will take part in the meeting organized under the aegis of RECROP COST Action CA 22156 on the topic of Climate-proof Crop Reproduction: from lab to farm 

The three-day meeting will take place at the University of Murcia, Spain from the 22 to the 24 of May 2024, organized by Maria Angeles Pedreño and Begoña Miras-Moreno.




HARNESSTOM Fosters Networking Activities with Spanish Plant Metabolomics Experts

This workshop will be a satellite activity of the II International Meeting of the SESMET and will take place in the morning of the 3rd of June at CEU Seville (Workshop on Challenges in Plant Metabolomics).

Two additional meetings will take place on the 2nd and 5th of June at the Residencia de Investigadores y Bibliotecas de Sevilla to consolidate the Spanish Plant Metabolomics group within the SESMET and the “integration of Plant metabolism” group.  




HarnesstomDB Datathon: Hands on Training Course on the HARNESSTOM Tomato Database

HarnesstomDB Datathon is a 2-day workshop aiming at introducing the HarnesstomDB (, a comprehensive publicly available open-source multi-omics database for facilitating the use of the potential of tomato germplasm collections for breeding. 


Registration is free, come and join us!!!








18/10/2023: HARNESSTOM Researchers discuss New Genomic Techniques NGTs and its impacts with the agriculture primary sector in the frame of the Research Infrastructure Platform AGROFOR

As part of HARNESSTOM outreach and networking activities Spanish partners from CSIC are taking part of a workshop on New genomic Technologies (NGTs) that will take place on Oct 26 at the Fundacion Grupo Cajamar (also partner in HARNESSTOM) facilities in Paiporta, Spain. This workshop is organized by AGROFOR, an Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform (PTI) launched by the CSIC (Higher Council for Scientific Research) to address the main challenges facing the Planet, and these include those by the United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 


Registration is free, come and join us!!!




19/09/2023: HARNESSTOM Second Advanced Training School

The Harnesstom is proud to announce the HARNESSTOM Advanced On-Line Training School entitled :  How to use the 2000 Solanum pennellii Backcross Inbred Lines (BILs) and databases to link G2P? . This training course will take place on Sept 28th at 09:00 -14:00 Central European Summer Time (~5 hours).  The course is coordinated by Prof Dani Zamir (HUJI) and consist in a series of presentation by world leaders in their respective field. 


Registration is free, come and join us!!!






03/07/2023: Workshop "CRISPR genomic editing technologies in agriculture"

The Workshop "CRISPR genomic editing technologies in agriculture" will take place on September 27th, 2023 in Valencia. This workshop on innovations in agriculture is organized by the IBMCP (CSIC-UPV), the CEGEA (UPV) and the Institut Valencià de Investigació i Formació Agroambiental.


Registration is free, come and join us!!!








The "FARMER AND CITIZEN SCIENCE TRAINING COURSE ON TOMATO PHENOTYPING" will take place on July 3rd to 13rd, 2023 in Bulgaria. The first day will be mixed in person and online modalities, the rest of the days will be completed with practial lessons in the greenhouse. 


Registration is free, come and join us!!!









01/03/2023: Harnesstom to participate in a Workshop on Genetic Resources

Harnesstom project coordinator Antonio Granell has been invited to participate in the Workshop “Pre-breeding materials: a grey zone between Genetic Resources and Cultivars - Introduction on regulatory aspects and protection of Intellectual Property” that is organized by the sister project BreedingValue and will take place at the University of Applied Sciences, HTW Dresden Campus Pillnitz, Germany, on the 15th of March 2023.




26/01/2023: Successful edition of the HARNESSTOM Training School “Find my ideal tomato” 

The "HARNESSTOM Training School - Find my ideal Tomato" took place on December 19, 2022 with a good response from the public. Close to 500 people from 50 different countries registered to the event which had all the time close to 200 attendees connected. 


All the videos presented are available in HARNESSTOM YOUTUBE CHANNEL



02/12/2022: HARNESSTOM Training School  "Find my ideal Tomato"

The "HARNESSTOM Training School - Find my ideal Tomato" via zoom will be held on December 19, 2022. The Training School aims at presenting, in plain language, what makes an ideal tomato, what makes an ideal tomato, where you can find it, a different actor's views of what is an ideal tomato.


Participation is free and necessary to receive the participation link. Please register at 



10/11/2022: HARNESSTOM partners participation at the International Solanaceae Genomics Meeting SOL 2022

The XVII Solanaceae Genomics SOL2022 meeting took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from the 1st to the 5th of November 2022 after 3 years of interruption due to the COVID19. The SOL genomics is the largest meeting on Solanaceae and following the tradition it covered the latest advances produced on all aspects of the family Solanaceae from a genomics perspective. 




The Second Annual Meeting of the HARNESSTOM project “Harnessing the value of tomato genetic resources for now and the future” took place from the 31st of October until 1st of November in Thessaloniki, Greece. A total of 27 HARNESSTOM participants gathered together in person while some additional one joined via zoom.



11/10/2022: ANNUAL OPEN DAY of the CAJAMAR FUNDATION of the Valencian Community

The Roxy-COST Action “Oxygen sensing a novel mean for biology and technology of fruit quality” annual meeting took place in Belgrade from 4-6 October 2022 ( The meeting gathered 70 participants from 23 different countries from all over Europe.  



16/09/2022: HARNESSTOM meets ancestral criollo tomato farmers, users and researchers in Mexico

Harnesstom coordinator Antonio Granell has actively participated in the first Native and Ancestral Tomato Fair that took take place in Zimatlan, Oaxaca, Mexico on Sept 3 and Sept 4, 2022. The two days event was a big success with local media coverage (, and opened a debate on the importance of preserving traditions and natural resources.










11/07/2022: ANNUAL OPEN DAY of the CAJAMAR FUNDATION of the Valencian Community

The Cajamar Experimental Center in Paiporta (Valencia, Spain) presented last Thursday, 7th of July, the results and status of its agri-food research work at its Annual Open Day. Its work includes its participation in the HARNESSTOM project, where some experimental trials of the entire collection of tomato varieties are located under conditions of high temperatures, drought, salinity and emerging diseases. 






A collection of 200 tomato varieties representing the European tomato diversity present at COMAV (Center for Agrodiversity of the Valencia Community, Valencia Spain and partner of HARNESSTOM) were exhibited next to a selection of F1 tomato hybrids from participating companies in FCCV (Valencia Community Cajamar Fundation) facilities.




07/06/2022: HARNESSTOM join forces with other EU-Funded projects at the EUCARPIA Tomato meeting held in Valencia

The Coordinators of eight EU-funded project on tomato:  TRADITOM, HARNESSTOM, G2PSOL, BRESOV, TOMGEM, TOMRES, SOLNUE and VIRTIGATION participated in a round table organized in the frame of the EUCARPIA tomato meeting held in Valencia on June 1st.  








The Polytechnic University of Valencia hosted, last Thursday 26th of May, the official presentation of "l'Associació de Productors i Comercialitzadors de la Tomata Valenciana" (the Association of Producers and Marketers of the Valencian Tomato) and its product under the hallmark "Xè que bó".





12/05/2022: Publication of the collective work “Challenges in the agri-food sector: Regulation, competition and industrial property” Valencia, May 9, 2022: HARNESSTOM at the Tomato World Congress in Nijar (Spain)

The collective book “Challenges in the agri-food sector: Regulation, competition and industrial property” has already been published. This work derives from the contributions made by authors at the I International Congress that, with the same title, was held on May 6 and 7, 2021 in the Hall of Degrees of the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering and of the Natural Environment "ETSIAMN", of the Polytechnic University of Valencia "UPV".









25/04/2022: 26 to 28 April 2022: HARNESSTOM at the Tomato World Congress in Nijar (Spain)

HARNESSTOM coordinator Antonio Granell is presenting the plenary talk: “HARNESSTOM and TRADITOM: two European projects to unify information on tomato and favor its improvement” at the World Tomato Congress to take place in Nijar (Spain) 26 to 28 April 2022.



30/03/2022: 29 March 2022: Advanced Training School

The first HARNESSTOM advanced school took place 29th March 2022 via zoom organized by UPV and counted with the participation of leading experts from Spain, Italy, France, Italy and Israel.  The title of the school was: HARNESSING THE POTENTIAL OF GERMPLASM COLLECTIONS: INTERACTION W ITH X-OMICS AND BREEDING COMMUNITY and it addressed the important issue on how best to organize the phenotypic and genotypic info and linked it to the germplasm banks.  




25/03/2022: 25 March 2022: At the starting line the Citizen Science Harnesstom experiment

Expiring the 25 March registration deadline, the Citizen Science Harnesstom experiment is on the road with more than 500 European citizens participating in Bulgaria, Italy, and Spain. Registered citizens are receiving a “kit” containing seeds of five varieties selected for their promising agronomic and quality traits, together with a cultivation tutorial and a form to score traits and report preferences. 




21/02/2022: HARNESSTOM coorganizes the EUCARPIA tomato Meeting in Valencia 

HARNESSTOM brings together the coordinators of the major EU-funded tomato projects on a workshop on tomato resources and breeding 

HARNESSTOM is organizing a Tomato Genetic Resources and Breeding session with the participation of the coordinators of the six major EU-funded tomato projects: TRADITOM, HARNESSTOM, G2P-SOL, BRESOV, TOMGEM, and TOMRES. The workshop will take place on june 2nd In the frame of the Eucarpia Tomato meeting ( 






21/09/2021: HARNESSTOM partners participate in 'XX EUCARPIA Meeting of the Tomato Working Group’, which will take place from May 31 to June 3, 2022, in Valencia (Spain)


Registration is available at the following link.




21/09/2021: HARNESSTOM  at DIVSEEK webinar highlights the importance of networking and dissemination activities.  

On Tuesday September 21 , took place the joint webinar “Horizon 2020 GENRES projects –Joining forces for genetic resources and biodiversity management.”. The meeting reinforced the importance of supporting research and innovation activities in the field of GenRes and genebanks and the importance to enlarge the information basis so that this facilitates that genres are used more widely in order to cope with emerging challenges in agriculture.





18/09/2021: On Friday 17 to Sunday 19 was held the XXII edition of the Fira Agrícola i Comercial de Meliana Within the framework of the Fira, on Saturday 18th D. Salvador Soler gave a talk on "Seed disinfection, selection and improvement of the Valencian tomato".






12/05/2021: A Symposium on “Plant Crop Genome Editing: beyond science ” is currently organized by HARNESSTOM.

The meeting  planned as a Webinar will be held on 12th May 2021 and it is aimed at Scientists, legislators, economists, politicians, etc. . HARNESSTOM coordinator A. Granell will introduce the Symposium and moderate the Scientific Session I, while D. Orzaez will present the latest news on the use of the editing for plants.







06/05/2021: HARNESSTOM commitment to actively disseminate and discus the current regulation around the use of genetic resources for innovation in agriculture will be the focus of  several project members participation at the International Meeting on “CHALLENGES IN THE AGROFOOD SECTOR: COMPETENCE AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY”. More info / Programme 






27/04/2021: HARNESSTOM participates in Horticulture Library Talks.

On April 27th HARNESSTOM coordinator Toni Granell participated in a session of talks at the Library on "The technological revolution of genomic editing of plants". Talks in the Library is a space to discuss topics of interest on production and postharvest of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals, and healthy eating.  





22/04/2021: HARNESSTOM with farmers: a technical session on wise use of water.

HARNESSTOM partners from “Fundacion Miquel Agustí UPC- UPV” and “Fundacion Cajamar Comunidad Valenciana” in collaboration with “Arreu Acompanyament Agroecologic” organized  an online workshop that took place on Thursday 22nd April 2021.




25/02/2021: Coordinators of Horizon 2020 Genetic Resources Projects Agree on a Roadmap for Joint Activities. 

The coordinators of five recently funded EU-projects, gather around a team’s virtual meeting platform to discuss possibilities for collaborations. The idea:  to find opportunities for joint actions, collaborations and common ground. For over 90 min HARNESSTOM coordinator Antonio Granell and four other projects agreed on the roadmap for joint activities. 




20/01/2021: HARNESSTOM at the BreedingValue Kickoff meeting.  

Right after the start of the project HARNESSTOM coordinator Antonio Granell initiated contacts with the coordinators of other projects granted by the EU under the same topic/call H2020 SFS28-2020 “Genetic Resources and Pre-breeding communities”. Coordinators of several EU projects participated at the meeting and in the discussion from their own perspectives and crops (wheat and barley; olive; legumes and berries). A plan for future interactions will be discussed over email and in following virtual meetings soon.





16/12/2020: On December 16, 2020, the HARNESSTOM project was presented at the Innovation Exchange Conference on agricultural genetic improvement organized by the Spanish National Rural Network. The coordinator of Harnesstom Antonio Granell presented the main objectives to be achieved and the potential results. It can be visualized the complete workshop and futher information here.








26/11/2020: HARNESSTOM at the XVRBMP Plant Molecular Biology Meeting

The XV edition of the Plant Molecular Biology Meeting took place this time on line Nov 26 and 27 2020 with the largest attendance ever.  The RBMP is the forum were the Spanish researchers working on Plant Molecular Biology have been meeting every other year since the first edition took place in  Salamanca in 1991.  A meeting traditionally attended by two hundred of the leading Spanish scientists in the field, hit this edition a record high of over three hundred participants probably due to the meeting going on line because of the COVID situation, which more than 200 people attending at all times. The XV RBMP has proven to be an excellent opportunity for the coordinator of HARNESSTOM, Antonio Granell to introduce the project’s objectives to the Spanish scientists working in Plant Molecular Biology, a field that provides breeders with tools and knowledge, which are at the basis of modern prebreeding and therefore intimately related to HARNESSTOM objectives and tasks.



 09/11/2020:  HARNESSTOM at the First International online SOLANACEAE meeting. 

Several members of the HARNESSTOM consortium have actively   participated in the first SOLANACEAE International Online Meeting that has been held from Nov9 to Nov11 2020 via zoom.

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